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Jane Dorfman

"Jane tells tales of dutiful daughters and wise women, faithful sons and wicked kings, of magic skipping ropes and Irish heroes, of the angel Elijah and the fools of Chelm. She tells personal stories about her New Orleans childhood and her Maryland neighbors, her favorite being Daddy's on the Roof and He's Got the Ax. And has recently started telling lies in liar's contests.

She tells stories for children and adults at festivals and in libraries and in the schools. She loves stories that carry the listener away.
Jane has performed at the Hans Christian Andersen Statue in Central Park. She has told at Speak! a storytelling series in Shepardstown WVa, and the Rose Valley storytelling series in Media, PA. She's shared personal stories at "Better Said than Done" in VA and told at "The Women's Storytelling Festival" in 2020, Stone Soup. She was scheduled for 2020 to tell at Sharing the Fire and Northlands.

She has two Cd, Tales from Arabian Nights and The Man Who Had no Story- Winner of a Storytelling World Resource Award for 2020

She crafted a program of lesser-known Arabian Nights stories as part of a grant, Muslim Journeys, at Montgomery College, and performed them at the NSN Conference Fringe in 2016.

She has taught Storytelling in the graduate school of the University of Maryland. She has told at the Smithsonian Institution and on "Stories in Focus" local television. She is a repeat teller at the Washington Folk Festival and Voices-in-the-Glen Festival and to storytelling classes at The University of Maryland and Catholic University. She's told stories at the Virginia Celtic Festival, Rockville Festival of the Arts, The Elva Van Winkle Memorial Storytelling Festival and others. She has conducted workshops on how to get started storytelling.

Jane Dorfman is a performing member and president of Voices-in-the-Glen and a member of the National Storytelling Network and on the program committee for the Washington Folk Festival."

Performance Fee: $275

Workshop Fee: TBD

Travel: Outside of Region

Audience: PreK,Elementary,Families,Adults

Genres: Folktales, Personal Stories, Humorous Tales

Awards: The CD The Man Who Had No Story was Winner of a Storytelling World Resource Award for 2020


"You really captivated the audience last night, at the Rock Creek Gallery, with your lyrical voice and mannerisms an audience of grown-ups, I might add, who didn't come expecting folktales!" - Anne Lane Sheldon

"The Children were delighted with the stories that she told them and we enjoyed the quiet, effective manner in which she presented her stories. She has a way of mesmerizing her audience and immersing them in the tales." - Quiby Frank, Librarian, Green Hedges School.

"Ms. Dorfman's storytelling was a tremendous hit at Mark Twain. The students were so enthralled we invited her back a second time. Ms. Dorfman had the entire room spellbound by her tales-not an easy task with middle school students." - Sherry Weiss, Media Specialist, Mark Twain School